why is arestin not covered by insurance

 Why Arestin Isn’t Covered By Insurance, An Unjust Reality.

If you’ve ever had a periodontal cleaning procedure, your dentist may have suggested using Arestin, a type of antibiotic treatment that targets the bacteria that cause gum disease. However, you may have also noticed that your insurance doesn’t cover the cost of this treatment, leaving you wondering why. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Arestin isn’t covered by insurance and why this unjust reality must be addressed.

The Basics of Arestin.

Before diving into the reasons why Arestin isn’t covered by insurance, it’s important to understand what Arestin is and how it works. Arestin is an antibiotic treatment that is applied directly to the infected pockets of the gums. The treatment is intended to kill the bacteria causing the gum disease, thereby allowing the gums to heal and reattach to the teeth. Unlike other forms of antibiotics that are taken orally, Arestin is applied directly to the affected area, which allows for a more targeted and effective treatment.

The Reasons Behind Insurance Companies Not Covering Arestin.

Now that we’ve established what Arestin is, let’s explore the reasons why insurance companies refuse to cover this potentially life-changing treatment.

Reason 1: Cost

The primary reason insurance companies don’t cover Arestin is the cost. Arestin is a relatively expensive treatment, and insurance companies don’t want to pay for something that they deem to be a luxury. Despite the fact that Arestin is proven to be effective in treating gum disease, insurance companies would rather opt for a cheaper alternative, even if it means the patient’s health may suffer as a result.

Reason 2: Lack of Education

Another reason why insurance companies don’t cover Arestin is the lack of education surrounding the treatment. Many insurance companies are unaware of the benefits of Arestin and may be hesitant to cover a treatment they don’t fully understand. Without proper education and awareness of the benefits of Arestin, insurance companies are unlikely to cover the cost of the treatment.

Reason 3: Perceived Risk

Finally, insurance companies may be hesitant to cover Arestin due to the perceived risk associated with the treatment. Arestin is an antibiotic treatment, and insurance companies may be worried about the potential for antibiotic resistance or other adverse effects. While the risk of adverse effects is relatively low, insurance companies may still be hesitant to cover the cost of the treatment due to this perceived risk.

The Consequences of Insurance Companies Not Covering Arestin.

The consequences of insurance companies not covering Arestin are severe. Without access to this potentially life-changing treatment, patients may suffer from worsening gum disease, tooth loss, and other complications. For patients who rely on insurance to cover their healthcare costs, the inability to access Arestin can be a devastating blow to their health and well-being.

In conclusion, The fact that Arestin isn’t covered by insurance is a troubling reality that must be addressed. Patients deserve access to the best possible healthcare, and denying them access to effective treatments like Arestin is a disservice to their health and well-being. It’s time for insurance companies to recognize the benefits of Arestin and take steps to ensure that this life-changing treatment is covered for those who need it most.


  • Is Arestin really effective in treating gum disease?

    Yes, Arestin is proven to be an effective treatment for gum disease when used in conjunction with other periodontal treatments.

  • How much does Arestin typically cost?

    The cost of Arestin varies depending on a number of factors, but it can be relatively expensive compared to other treatments.

  • Are there any risks associated with Arestin?

   While there is a small risk of adverse effects associated with any treatment, the risk of adverse effects with Arestin is relatively low.

  • What can I do if my insurance doesn’t cover Arestin?

    If your insurance doesn’t cover Arestin, you may want to consider discussing alternative treatment options with your dentist. You may also want to reach out to your insurance company and advocate for the coverage of this life-changing treatment.

  • Why is it important for insurance companies to cover Arestin?

     Insurance companies have a responsibility to ensure that patients have access to the best possible healthcare. Denying coverage for effective treatments like Arestin can have severe consequences for patients and their overall health and well-being.

       As patients, we deserve access to the best possible healthcare. Denying coverage for effective treatments like Arestin is a disservice to our health and well-being. We must advocate for ourselves and demand that insurance companies recognize the benefits of Arestin and take steps to ensure that this life-changing treatment is covered for those who need it most. 

      The reality is that denying coverage for Arestin is not only unjust, but it’s also harmful to those who rely on insurance to cover their healthcare costs. It’s time for insurance companies to do better and provide the coverage that patients deserve.

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