How to Turn Off Comments When Watching Instagram Live as a Host or Viewer.

How to Hide Instagram Live Comments: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Are you sick and weary of having your Instagram Live sessions constantly interrupted by comments? Do you want to keep the comments section out of your Live broadcast so that viewers can only see your content?

Thankfully, Instagram offers a feature that lets you hide comments while you’re live-streaming. In this article, we’ll walk you through the straightforward and simple procedure of how to hide Instagram live comments.

Understanding Instagram Live Comments.

Let’s first define Instagram Live comments and discuss their significance before moving on to the techniques for suppressing comments during your Live session.

What Are Instagram Live Comments?

how to hide instagram live comments
How to hide Instagram live comments

Instagram Live comments are remarks made at the moment by spectators while a Live session is taking place. Both the presenter and other viewers can see these comments because they are shown on the right side of the screen.

During your Live session on Instagram, comments may be a great way to interact with your audience and foster a sense of community.

Why Are Instagram Live Comments Important?

Instagram Live comments are significant because they let you interact in real-time with your audience.

Read More How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live

Use comments to clarify points, address criticism, and express gratitude to your audience. Additionally, comments made during an Instagram Live session can foster a sense of community and increase audience engagement.

How to Hide Instagram Live Comments.

Let’s get started on figuring out how to conceal Instagram Live comments during your Live session now that we have a better knowledge of what they are. Take these easy actions how to hide Instagram live comments.

Step 1: Start Your Instagram Live Session.

To start your Instagram Live session, open the Instagram app and swipe right from your home feed to access the camera. From there, swipe to the “Live” option and tap the circular button to start your Live session.

Step 2: Access Your Comment Settings.

Once your Live session has started, you will see the comments section on the right side of the screen. To access your comment settings, tap on the three dots located at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Hide Comments.

After tapping on the three dots, a menu will appear. From this menu, select “Turn Off Commenting.” This will hide all comments during your Live session.

Step 4: End Your Live Session.

Once you have finished your Live session, you can end it by tapping the “End” button located at the top right corner of the screen.

Additional Tips for Hiding Instagram Live Comments.

All comments will be hidden throughout your Live session if you follow the above instructions, but there are a few further actions you can do to make sure that comments are hidden during your session.

how to hide instagram live comments
How to hide instagram live comments

Tip 1: Pin a Comment.

Pinning a comment to the top of the comments section is one technique to guarantee that comments stay hidden throughout your Live session. The pinned comment will continue to be visible while the comment area is kept hidden.

Tip 2: Use a Third-Party App.

Using a third-party app is another approach to obfuscate comments made during your Live session. These programs also allow you to restrict specific persons from leaving comments and customize the overlays.

Read More Instagram Official Website

Tip 3: Moderate Comments.

Use the comment moderation function if you still want to accept comments during your Live session but want to manage what shows up on the screen. With this function, you can edit or remove comments before they show up on the screen.


Although they can be a great way to interact with your audience during a Live session, Instagram Live comments can also be annoying.

You may conceal how to hide Instagram live comments the focus of your Live session on your content by following the easy instructions provided in this article.

We’ve also given you some further advice on how to moderate and hide comments throughout your Live session.

Step by Step Process How to Hide Instagram Live Comments See Video.


Can I turn off comments for a specific user?

Unfortunately, you cannot turn off comments for a specific user. When you turn off comments, it applies to all viewers watching your Live session.

Can I turn off comments for only a portion of my Live session?

No, once you turn off comments, they will remain off for the duration of your Live session.

Can viewers still react to my Live session if comments are turned off?

Yes, viewers can still react to your Live session using emojis and other reaction features even if comments are turned off.

Will viewers know that I have turned off comments?

Yes, viewers will see a message that says “Comments are turned off” if you decide to turn off comments during your Live session. is a blog that explores the interplay between banking, the stock market, and gift cards. We analyze individual banks and their stocks, discuss industry trends, and provide insights into managing gift cards, and loans, including checking balances and maximizing purchases. Our goal is to offer valuable information to investors and professionals in banking and finance to make informed decisions.

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